Copyright File Solutions Ltd 3010 2nd Avenue North Lethbridge Alberta |
If you have any kind of business, be it a firm, company, or practice, you know that business is all about interaction. The client, customer, patron, member, or patient, is the reason you are there. By interaction with your customer, your bushiness happens, and each interaction is made valid by a record; a piece of paper usually, that represents in a tangible form, what you did for that customer, client, or patron. The existence of that paper is intended to show that your organization behaved responsibly. It also helps with remembering things about your client that enable you to interact knowlegeably, building on what you have already learned about your clients needs.
When a business thrives there are lots of such interactions, each generating records. In a sence, the files, records and documents are your success story. When the clients, the staff, and the owners go home for the night, the only thing physically different at the office from the night before, are the records that were added that day. They proove that the part of life consumed in doing business that day accomplished something worth doing.
The only thing that really stays there in the office as proof of your successful interactions, is the paper.
Good though this is, eventually the file space gets full. The immediate typical response is to pull the older files out and put them in a box. You might still need to refer to them, and there are usually laws that say you are required to hold them for a certain period. Without a long term document storage plan, these semi-active files can end up where ever there seems to be space--under a desk, in the cleaning closet, etc. This seems fine until the day when there are no more out-of-the way places to store them., or the day when a customer that hasn`t been in for a few years comes through the door.
Such a day plays out something like this: First one staff member searches, and then another and perhaps a third is recruited to help find the file in the active files. After double checking one another, someone remembers "the boxes in the back." Typically these are not well indexed, so each box must be looked through. Which box is it in? The last box, as fate would have it. In the meantime, the line at reception is several people deep. You can see that your client is beginning to doubt.that you value her very much, and is wondering the same thing you are wondering, "what has become of that sensitive information."
Eventually the file is found and things get back to normal. But what has it cost you in wages, client confidance levels, and personal stress? That experience probably got you thinking, "there must be a better way." There is a better way of managing semi-active records. After all, they are part of your success story and deserve to be looked after responsibly and efficiently.
You've come to the right place. The solution is here. Let us help you.
___ File Solutions.
"Why Records Management?" -Record Management listserv, Robert Bailey |